What is a remanufactured cartridge?
Remanufactured HP Q6002A cartridge that has been refilled
A remanufactured or non-virgin cartridge, is one that has been taken apart, cleaned, fixed (if needed), and reassembled. Once cleaned, these cartridges are refilled and sold. These are no longer considered OEM because they are no longer 100% original (the ink/toner and possible parts have been replaced). These cartridges should say ‘remanufactured’ either on the box or the cartridge itself.
Remanufactured cartridges will show up in one of two ways on your invoice. It will have NV (non-virgin) written after it OR it will be classified as PDW.
What is a superhopper?
A HP 64X superhopper that has a modified tank
Superhoppers can be very difficult to distinguish from the original cartridge unless you have a picture or an OEM (original manufactured) cartridge in front of you. A superhopper is a toner cartridge that has been modified to hold more toner. This can be seen when a standard yield cartridge is modified to become high yield by using a non OEM tank. Other cartridges that may be classified as superhoppers are high yield cartridges made by a 3rd party company (so the whole thing uses non-OEM parts including the tank).
Please note superhoppers may be classified as PDW on your PO.
What is a compatible cartridge?
A cartridge that was made by a 3rd party (compatible)
Compatible or generic cartridges are made by a third party company. Because these are not made by the manufacturer, none of the parts used are OEM. These usually say ‘compatible’ on the box and/or cartridge and are made by non name brand companies.
NOTE: Some non-virgin or remanufactured cartridges may also say ‘compatible with’ on them but should also say remanufactured if they were an OEM cartridge that has been refilled.